I know what you're thinking...
Who The fuck is this tool?
And undoubtedly you are warranted in your reservations... You've probably been through the PUA circuit, and you've seen the wishy washy "feel good" guru crap, and hell, you've probably gone out and tried to wing it a few times to no avail.
And as if God just has a sick sense of humor, you have that one friend... The guy you HATE. The guy you hate because he always gets the girl you wanted. And though you love your friend, you can't stand that he was given some unknowable power that you don't have.
A question you should be asking yourself right now is...
"How does this guy know this?"
Because I was the guy at the party who always wondered why I didn't get the girl I wanted. I was the guy who left angry and unfulfilled night after night, party after party. I was the guy who kept saying "But I'm good looking, how did that ugly DJ get that girl?" And I was always second best to the people who were naturally good with girls.
Fast forward a few years...
Now I'm the guy that makes other people feel that way...
And it was a result of watching my friends and the people around me feel the same way I did all those years ago that compelled me to create this book. I want to give you my lesson plan so to speak. I want to give you all the things I learned throughout the years in one easy to understand formula. I want to give you the Methodology Of The Modern Male...
Whether you are a man seeking to get better with the opposite sex, or a women looking for some insight, I believe I can help. Through a long process of trial, error and market analysis I’ve formulated this book to help males become more modern in their mode of thought. I’ve developed a Methodology of the Modern Male. A series of all the areas a male can develop himself to become more attractive to women. This is an all-encompassing guide to help master the problem areas men encounter when trying to interact with women. This book, through humor and metaphor will teach you how to become the new archetypal Male. A male with the freedom to dress, groom, and behave as removed of social constructs, and only adherent to the truth of what women seek. Taking the best qualities and attributes a man can possess from every social dynamic and sub-archetype and integrating their understanding with undeniable logic, this book will teach you how to become the one true archetype.
The Modern Prince Charming
Methodology of the Modern Male is a collection of areas men can work on with clear instructions as to how they can advance their chances of being more attractive to the opposite sex. This isn't a book on how to pick up chicks. This is a book on how you can transform yourself into the most attractive man you can be. After you're done with that transformation, you won't have to pick up another girl as long as you live.
They will come to you
But let's face it... You don't have a lot of time. And no one likes to read lengthy books full of irrelevant chatter.
So I created A step by step guide
- Perception
- Female Psychology
- Confidence
- Pitfalls
- Chivalry
- Hygiene
- Grooming
- Drive
- Fashion
- Fitness
- Game
- Sex
- Opening
- Closing
- Bromancing
- Getting out of the friend zone
100 % Returnable
300 pages of content
150 illustrations and diagrams
PDF format for easy reading on all your devices
Listen to a sample of the audiobook below
Intro Chapter Sample Below