Want to know how women like to be approached on set? Join Jerod Zavistoski with special guest's Celebrity Stylist Erika Degraff, Actress Jessica Lee, and industry veteran Lynna Baculo as they discuss the proper way to hit on a girl while on set. ModernMaleInc.com/radio
What's it like to date Rapper? Can we defy the stereotypes? Join Jerod Zavistoski with special guests, from Americas next top model, Hip Hop Artist Don Benjamin, Grammy Nominee and platinum producer, Soundz, and fast rising star JQ Official as they dispel some myths about rappers and dating in the hip hop industry.
What if we didn't have to die? What if we could live FOREVER? What if we were able to leave our bodies behind and become the technology we've created? Join Jerod Zavistoski and Sarah Beth Harris, with special guests CEO and founder of Humai, Josh Bocanegra, and Marketing Director of Humai Jeanine Fuentes as they address the ethics and future concerns of allowing people to achieve immortality through transplanting a brain into a bionic body. Welcome to the modern day Robocop.
Ever wonder what it's like to chase the dream? Join Jerod Zavistoski, and Sarah Beth Harris with special guests playboy playmate and cover model Olga Loera, and Entrepreneur Johnny Farhan, to take a look inside the formula for success. www.modernmaleinc.com/radio