Would you date an inked girl? Join Jerod Zavistoski and Sara Chapman with model Katrina Franchina and Fitness model Alexis Kelly as they clear out common misconceptions about tattooed women. ModernMaleInc.com/radio instagram.com/katrinafranchina https://www.facebook.com/alexis.kelly.501?fref=ts Modern Male Radio is a Dating and Relationship commentary about self development for men.


Wondering what is most innately attractive to women? Find out right here! Join Jerod Zavistoski and Sarah Chapman with special guests Maxim Model Kaleigh Marie and Makeup Artist Alison Steinberg as they do a Q&A on the most attractive qualities within men. www.ModernMaleInc.com/Radio Modern Male Radio is a Dating and Relationship commentary about self development for men.


Have you ever wondered why it's so hard to date in LA? Join Jerod Zavistoski and Sarah Chapman with special guest Singer / Songwriter Blake Elliott as they recount some bad dating experiences while discussing what someone could've done better. www.modernmaleinc.com www.florasoath.com Modern Male Radio is a Dating and Relationship commentary about self development for men.


"TRANSGENDER - Join Jerod Zavistoski and Sarah Chapman with Special Guests Isis and Mia Isabella as they talk about what it's like to date in the transgender community, and the struggles or lack thereof many women face as they embrace their life long struggles of becoming a woman."