Modern Male coaching is for anyone looking to build a little extra confidence, get a little better with women, or those looking to put their fear behind them. Jerod covers everything from fashion to fitness, from approach anxiety to regaining your confidence. Jerod's program is unique in that most of the advice and training methods come from women. This is a coach that's woman tested, mother approved. Jerod has managed to crack the code on dating, and provides a program for men of all ages to follow with ease. This is this first dating coach for men, that women have enthusiastically rallied behind. Jerod will teach you how to become what you've always wanted to be: A magnetic, confident, masculine man, with the integrity and heart that will win over any woman you desire.
Jerod Zavistoski is an Author, Speaker, Life Coach, Radio Host and Entertainer. Jerod is the Author of Methodology of the Modern Male, "A modern males guide to personal excellence." This raw, real, and relevant guide to dating has been very well received by both men and women. Jerod also has a follow up radio show called Modern Male Radio where he brings on guests to test the dating advice he gives.
Drop me a line and let me know what I can help you with. I have a 90% success rate.
“Jerod, I want to take this time to genuinely thank you from the bottom of my heart. Meeting and listening to all your advice to help me to WIN BACK MY WIFE that had left me, and all the advice you gave me to better myself and become the man I never thought I could be, has really been a life changing experience.
I was extremely heartbroken and depressed and quite frankly at the lowest point in my life after my wife leaving. You helped me tremendously with all your advice, but above all to give me the motivation to keep fighting and staying in the fight when I thought all hope was lost. It was 2 of the hardest months ever because my wife really fight hard against me. But I’ll always remember what you said to me during a text:
”If you lose, then go out knowing that you did everything. And lose knowing you may not have lost. It’s always darkest before the dawn. And many have pulled a win after they believed all hope was gone”.
There was no truer statement. Seriously thank you so damn much for being there for me at my darkest times when I even felt like ending my life.
Soon my wife and I will see you to truly fix our issues.
I still don’t know how fate led me to you, but I thank God or fate or whomever for finding you and you being able to help me.
To whoever is thinking of seeing or doubting Jerod Zavistoski’s abilities or coaching... DON’T! HE IS THE REAL THING. THE BEST RELATIONSHIP/LIFE COACH in Los Angeles.”
“I just want to say thank you to this man. I was so lost and desperate. My relationship was already over and I really just needed someone to talk to for advice and insight. Not only does Jerod’s approach serve as a full on lifeguard in saving an already drowning relationship but also a coach in how to sustain the spark that makes a that fire burn for yourself and your partner. Thank you so much!!”
“Jerod Zavistoski has an insightful, sensitive, yet humorous approach to life skills and relationships. He accurately dissects the issues surrounding modern masculinity. I recommend his book, his seminars, and his life coaching. His advice has literally resulted in greater income in my profession life, and greater happiness in my personal life. You only have one life. Jerod will help you get the most out of it!”
I do three kinds of coaching.
I help men become more attractive, magnetic and appealing to the opposite sex.
I help men win their ex's back
I help men overcome their fear and regain their confidence.
Believe it or not, I used to be terribly awkward with women. Not just women, life in general.
I always swore I'd take this picture to the grave. But here it is. I hope you appreciate this...
So what happened? Well I overcame some really traumatic circumstances in my life and I was forced to create a very keen perspective on how I interacted with people. This led to a fascination with social dynamics.
It wasn't until many years later when I was in room full of people making jokes that I must've always been so good with people that I realized I had done a very good job on myself. In fact no one even believed that I was ever awkward with women. In order to prove myself I basically broke down all of the stuff I did to get to where I wanted to be. And as it turned out, I was on par with some of the top dating coaches in the world.
Long story short, people began asking for my advice, and much to my surprise at the time, it always worked. That inspired me to write a book and build a coaching program.
And here we are today... I love helping people. I'm good at it, and I'm funny. I deeply enjoy what I do and I make every session personal. Your life and success are important to me. I'll make sure you get there.
I do coach women. I will be launching a whole brand behind this, but until that time I'm happy to help you with whatever you're struggling with. I coach women in these areas:
Self Confidence
Self Esteem
Finding your purpose
Constructive Feedback
Getting the guy you want
How to attract the right men
Existing relationships
How to date and not get hurt
“Methodology of the Modern Male is veritably one of a kind in it’s genre. A large commonality in dating literature is an overwhelming masculine or feminine voice. Even though the reader searched for enlightenment concerning the opposite sex, the bias of the author fuels the fire that is the communication gap between genders. This book is the bridge. The author’s charming yet irreverent style enables the reader to embrace their masculinity and better understand femininity in the same breadth. It is something I have yet to see in this medium... until now! It is worth a read for both men and women as well.”
“This book is the ONLY BOOK you should read on DATING. A smart man knows he needs improvement and seeks it. Look no further gentlemen ”
“I started reading this book a few days ago... I must admit I was skeptical coming from a woman. However, I have to stop trying to pick the authors brain and sit back and laugh. Every question and/or thought I have in the back of my savvy mind.... he comes up with the answer as if he is literally reading my mind while reading. I find myself fascinated with his images, quotes, dedication and most importantly he thinks almost the same way I do. Really... the muscle head! LOL I really got a kick out his quirks.
I highly recommend reading this book! ”
At the end of the day... I hate reading long-winded repetitive novels on ANYTHING. Let alone on dating. I designed this book for men. It's simple. It's to the point. It's funny and entertaining. It's also illustrated. But the information is solid. Any guy from any walk of life can learn something from this book. It will make your dating experience a thousand times easier. I've given readers all of the shortcuts with none of the over complicated BS. Need to lose a little weight? Take it from a closeted fat kid who hates working out. I can definitely show you the shortcuts. Need to learn some fashion tips? I hate shopping as much as the next guy. Let me show you some simple do's and dont's to make every girl you meet drool all over you. Want to learn how to make a girl swoon at your feet? Yep, I got you covered. Some guys have a little to a lot of this stuff down but very few have it all down pat. That's what this book is, a complete guide to being The Modern Male." - Jerod Zavistoski
Modern Male Radio is a free internet podcast on Men's development and dating. It's a follow up to Jerod's book, allowing him to cover examples from the book in more depth, and also expound upon current issues. The show is unique in that Jerod brings women on the show to get their take on what really works in the dating game.